“Green” or “going green” has been coined as THE phrase regarding environmental consciousness and preservation.
Planet earth is made up of both land and water. Therefore, isn’t it unfair to seemingly disregard the 70+% of the earth’s surface, which is covered by water?
Water is the one substance that is vital for the health of every living organism on earth. It is the natural habitat for many living creatures, and is vital to survival and longevity for the remainder. As human beings, we have had a hand in essentially destroying our earth and the natural resources it has to offer, including water. Although we helped with the damage, we can also help conserve, preserve, and rebuild the environment!
We can all contribute to helping the environment one step at a time. TSB has vowed to help as much as possible…from each person doing their part as well as taking the steps as a company to be extremely environmentally conscious and concerned. TSB offers a range of products that can replace the excessive use of water as well as products that don't even require the use of water!
Additional steps we have already taken:
- Recyclable packaging
- Efficient production process
- Organic raw ingredients
- Efficient power sources and appliances in office space
- Hybrid transportation devices
- Digital marketing material – paperless
We plan to keep our footstep to a minimum and hope you can too!
Please check back for more information regarding the conservation and preservation of our water – locally, nationally, and internationally!
Please visit soyaboutique.com for more information.
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