There is a growing population of skin care consumers out there that are ready to take the power back. Health concerns raised in the media are a powerful phenomenon that educate, inspire, motivate and frighten consumers. Especially when it comes to our health and the well being of our families. Many are resentful of the fear factor presented by the media as it is harmful, insensitive and more often misinformed (we have all learned from the latest H1N1 updates). Some are lead to believe that pretty much everything we are exposed to is going to result in cancer from every “expert’s” perspective. We all know that our bodies are genetically pre-dispositioned to proliferate cellular degeneration throughout the naturally occurring processes of aging (and, from the time of birth, we are all aging). Taking charge, are the masses of consumers who are tired of fear mongers who cry wolf and produce no qualitative evidence. I love the feel good campaigns, the ones that celebrate the intelligence and productivity of our species!
When it comes to our skin, it is time to take the power back. Be confident that skin is physiologically extraordinary and superior. Covering our body is the largest organ, your skin. We have 2.5 million sweat glands on our bodies; one square inch has 650 sweat glands, 65 hair follicles, 234 feet of nerves, 1250 pain receptors, 57 feet of capillaries, 19,000 sensory cells, 94 sebaceous (oil) glands, 13 cold and 78 heat receptors, plus immune (Langerhans) cells. Skin is adapted to protect us from environmental assault, but it is also designed to let things in as well. And this is a positive receptor that grants many health benefits.
Particularly, dermal absorption is an area of skin function that is sometimes misunderstood and misrepresented. Skin represents both an important physical barrier to absorption of toxic matter and simultaneously a significant portal of entry for healthful applications. It is a locus for the biotransformation and photochemical transformation processes that reduce the toxicity of substances. Yes, be aware of the substances you apply and limit exposure to the effects of the sun, but do not be over reactive or underestimate the capacity of the body’s largest organ.
Dermal absorption is a route of exposure to the healthy benefits of anti aging substances such as antioxidants and essential amino acids. Skin and its associated structures - hair, nails, sweat or sloughed cells are also a route of excretion of toxicants or their by-products. It is crucial to free skin of relatively harmless but useless environmental pollutants, slough dead skin cells, and provide the necessary nourishment and protection in order to maintain skins ability to rejuvenate because that is what it is designed to do.
Oxidative stress to the skin is a major cause of aging. The environment, as determined by the industrial age, UV light, air pollution even oxygen, cigarette smoke, and the effects of normal internal cell activity can cause a build up of destructive cells called free radicals. Healthy nutrients and antioxidants found in products rich in soy are central to maintaining cellular function as we age (and, from the time of birth, we are all aging). If they become damaged, they have difficulty protecting their interior structures, as well as letting the right substances in and keeping other substances out of cellular components. Using nutrient rich products containing anti-carcinogenic phytoestrogens and antioxidants found in soy and utilizing the effects of percutaneous absorption is a mode to reversing oxidative stress and strengthening the body’s immunofunction.
The body does produce its own antioxidants that help keep free radicals in check but the level of oxidative stress in which we live is beyond what the body can regulate. Therefore, we must treat our skin to create an external balance. Left untreated, the result of accumulated free radical damage results in accelerated aging. And I’m not talking wicked witch of the west skin melting but those perfectly acceptable but annoying premature wrinkles, allergic reactions, uneven skin tone, and the loss of skin elasticity. Let’s not overlook the genetic predisposition with which we were born either. With a positive attitude, healthful practices, your skin will not only look as healthy as you treat it (notice how I didn’t say “younger” – no false promises here) but your body will also be physiologically responsive like a well-oiled machine.
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