Submit your “she’s a hot guy”!
We, at TSB, produce beautiful skin care products, design edgy and sexy graphics, and delve deep into academic research, but also have our share of fun working together. As such, we get side tracked in conversation from time to time, sometimes sparking some of our most kitschy, out of the box, most brilliant ideas!
A recent conversation about film and cinematography turned a corner, and ended up a discussion regarding female actresses, models playing male roles, and including many of our own friends actually exuding beauty and sexiness.
Androgyny has been “fashionable” for quite some time within the world of high fashion undisputedly, and over the past few years, has trickled down to mainstream societal beliefs. TSB believes all men and women, of all different colours, shapes and ages to be beautiful, simultaneously regarding out-of-the-box thinking to be refreshingly attractive.
Therefore, we have made a fun list of women we believe have the potential to play “hot guys”… We are now reaching out to all of you to help expand our list! Nominate your “she’s a hot guy” – she can be you, your friend, your sister, mother, niece, aunt, cousin, neighbor…she can be anyone!
Send us your names and pictures illustrating why you think “She’s a hot guy”.
Yours truly,
Please visit us on FACEBOOK to submit your entries!
Btw, if you see your name on this list – take it as a compliment.
-k.d. Lang (circa 1992)
-Hilary Swank
-Demi Moore
I vote for Kristin Davis - Charlotte from SATC. In an episode she actually dressed up as a guy for a photo shoot.....she was HAWT!